It was a turbulent year. Still a lot of little things to do as result of the merge of our CNV Kunstenbond with CNV Vakmensen. After that a great relief for Leen and Ria, who had turned 65 in 2011. Now Leen and Ria could concentrate on other important things like:
-launching new websites:
– with all documents and history of the organizations since the start in 1969
– with all history and publications of The Continental Singers, Young Continentals, Continental Kids, Wings of Light, New Hope, etc. And GREAT NEWS: all the LP’s of the Continentals were remastered as CD’s and can be ordered now.
– a website about members active in any form of ‘christian’ arts: dancers, musicians, choirs, visuals artists, writers, etc
– a website about our cultural centre
Other activities: a new theme for the Continentals, the Christian Artists Seminar for the 2nd time in Germany, and several books of Leen La Rivière were published in English, German, French.
And: more time became available for speaking and teaching and lector engagements.
Ria has, besides her work at the Continental Art Centre, which is now a part time job, a great job at her shop in fashion and art: Chez Maria, Rotterdam. All info can be found on