A lot happened ythis year in ‘Continental country’: auditions, recordings, preparations for new tours:
Where the Slovak Continentals will perform, you can find on: www.continentals.sk
www.gospelsingers.sk www.musicministries.sk
Info about the Hungarian Continentals: www.continentalsingers.hu
All bout the Romanian Continentals you find it on: www.continentalmusic.org
NEW CONTINENTAL SINGERS CD: JESUS VICTOR. You can order now, so you support the ministry

We have worked 2 years for the release of this album, delay by corona. This album is a new total concept album about Jesus being THE VICTOR, being the foundation of our faith and salvation.
Almost all the songs have been composed by Stein Jonassen, a Norwegian composer, who wrote for the Continentals before (see the album Standing on the Rock). The last song of the album is Jesus Victorious, composed by the well known dutch composer Kees Kraayenoord. This album is ranging from hymn to pop-rock and has 14 NEW and very touching songs:
1.The Light. 2. All for the Kingdom. 3. Just like this. 4. Everything in you. 5. Forgiven 6. Hymn. 7. Who I am in your eyes. 8. This love of yours. 9. I just need more. 10. Amazing grace. 11. Jesus my Jesus. 12. Vitae Dios. 13. You know me by your name. 14. Jesus Victorious.
This album (Euro 15) can now be ordered via our own webshop WWW.CONTINENTALWEBSHOP.EU (button Continental). With your order you support ministry of the Continentals, again on tour in central and eastern Europe this summer.
Thanks for your support
Leen en Ria La Rivière, founders van The Continentals