Leen wrote many books. Why? In many cases it started quite negative: attacks from Christians, like: Visual art is forbidden by God, Rockmusic is from the devil. A reborn Christian will not dance, etc. Most came from ignorant believers, some came from well educated pastors So how to answer those attacks? With harsh critique or with good studies, explaining the situations in love. And this was always done. What is the status after 40 years? All those fights have been won, as never a person was attacked but the arguments. And besides counter arguments, more important is to reveal the biblical foundations for all the arts, the biblical mandate to be salt and light, to be creators of culture, to influence cultures.
A few books have been sold out. Reprints will be too costly. We give via downloads the possiblity to read online the books or to download them. A book costs normally between 10 and 15 Euro. It is appreciated if you pay this money to: BANK: ING NL03 INGB 0002 2528 88 IBAN/BIC: INGBNL 2A . Name accountholder: Stichting Continental Sound. In this way you support our ministry
Behind the scenes. Based on many years of experience: how to set up bands, choirs, ensembles, companies, etc and keep them going…: About training, repertoir, technical things, management, board, legal matters, finances, and so on.
Behind the scenes CONTENT.pdf
Behind the scenes COVER.pdf
Evangelistic concerts. A manual HOW to organise events. Every aspect is explained and as well WHO should do it and WHEN to do it, all based on a clear time line. You can use this manual to prepare and plan any activity.
evangelistic concerts CONTENT.pdf
evangelistic concerts COVER.pdf
Lessons, Leaders, Life. This book is based on the real life experiences of Leen and Ria La Rivière, who have been over 50 years in leadership as professionals. All mentioned situations have happened. Healthy questions are asked. This book has helped many.
lessons leaders life CONTENT.pdf
lessons leaders life COVER.pdf
The series biblical principles:
No. 1 Creative and Christian. Book explains the biblical foundation for all forms of creativity and the arts. The book had many reprints and has been translated in 14 languages already.
no 1 creative and christian CONTENT.pdf
no 1 creative and christian COVER.pdf
No. 2 Music and Ministry. This book had several reprints and is translated in many languages. If you want to use music for ministry, you should understand and know what the Levites (the biblical OT singers and musicians) had to do and to develop. We can learn a lot from that.
no 2 Music & Ministry CONTENT.pdf
no 2 Music & Ministry COVER.pdf
No. 3 Praise and worshippers. Praise and worship is hot and growing in many churches. There are as well growing theories about this phenomena. This book takes you through OT, NT and church history what praise and worship was and is today. Content (facts) is a great eye-opener, as well the use of all art forms.
no 3 praise and worshippers CONTENT.pdf
no 3 praise and worshippers COVER.pdf
No. 4 The Message. When using all communication forms to bless church and society, but what is the CONTENT? This book takes you to all mentioned texts of Jesus. You find the content in his story-telling. His story-telling decoded and what does that mean for me today.
no 4 The Message CONTENT.pdf
no 4 The Message COVER.pdf
No. 5 Creative leadership. This book is solid study and quite a challenge, because each chapter leads you to seeing films, reading other books, and all of that combined will help you to form an opinion and to prepare you for leadership.
no 5 Creative Leadership CONTENT.pdf
no 5 Creative Leadership COVER.pdf
Praying. A new approach will take you through every of the 251 mentioned prayers in the Bible. Book is used by many as a daily prayer book.
Praying CONTENT OT.pdf
Praying CONTENT NT.pdf
Praying COVER.pdf
Stolen Innocence. This book is written by Ria La Rivière. Autobiography, a shocking story about the effects of spiritual manipulation. Very important for religious leaders.
stolen innocence CONTENT.pdf
stolen innocence COVER.pdf
The Way. This biblestudy book is especially written for the persons who are part of travelling ministries (bands, choirs, ensembles, artists, etc). All Continental Singers tours have been using this book.
The Way-bible studies CONTENT.pdf
The Way-bible studies COVER.pdf
Up to date. This manual is the continuation of Evangelistic Concerts. It explains HOW and WHY you can improve your activities, sothat more people will be reached in a better way. All events of Continental Sound/Christian Artists were and are based on the principles of this booklet.
up to date CONTENT.pdf
up to date COVER.pdf
Leen La Rivière wrote the following books:
- 1975 Kaf en Koren (Dutch only)
- 1981 Evangelistic Concerts
- 1985 Revivals and Music
- 1986 Music & Ministry, biblical foundations
- 1987 Royal Creativity
- 1989 Zei ik dat het makkelijk was (Dutch only)
- 1990 Nadenken (Dutch only)
- 1993 The Creative Church
- 1994 The Kingdom In Deed
- 1995 Pas-de-Deux, biblical foundations for the performing arts
- 1996 The Kingdom of Justice
- 1997 Lessons, Leaders and Life
- 1998 Megastories
- 1999 The Way, biblestudies
- 1999 The Art of Life (together with Jan Peter Balkenende, Prime minister and Professor Roel Kuiper)
- 1999 Behind the scenes
- 2000 Megasongs
- 2001 Hoe het verder ging (Dutch only)
- 2002 The Church and the Public Arena(domain)
- 2003 Prayers
- 2005 Creativ & Christian, Biblical Principles, vol.1 (febr.2005)
- 2005 Lofprijzing & aanbidders (dutch only)
- several books have been published in c.q. are in the process to be translated into English, Bulgarian, Romanian, Slowak, Hungarian, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portugese, Greec, Polish, Japanese.
- in preparation: Praise & Worshippers (2007)
- Editor of the Magazine Music & Art/SIGNS
- Editor of the Series Art 2000
- 1992 Art 2000, Vol. 1, The need for a cultural paragraph in the EU
- 1993 Art 2000, Vol. 2, Artists position in Europe
- 1994 Art 2000, Vol. 3, The civil society/social midfield
- 1995 Art 2000, Vol. 4, The quality of the civil society
- 1996 Art 2000, Vol. 5, To a complete personality
- 1997 Art 2000, Vol. 6, Youth and youth cultures
- 1998 Art 2000, Vol. 7, Minorities
- 1999 Art 2000, Vol. 8, Fragmentation
- 2000 Art 2000, Vol. 9, The limits of tolerance
- 2001 Art 2000, Vol. 10, The Art of Life
- 2002 Art 2001, Vol. 11, The results of 10 years EU cultural paragraph
- 2003 Art 2002, Vol. 12, Social Cohesion
- 2004 Art 2003, Vol. 13, Globalization
- 2004 Art 2004, Vol. 14, Multiculturality
- 2005 Art 2005, Vol.15, Life Long Learning (in preparation)
- 2006 Art 2006, Vol.16, Gender Equality (in preparation)
- 2007 Art 2007, Vol. 17, the future of young labourers
- 2008 Art 2008, Vol. 18, Social dialogue about cultural diversity
- 2009 Art 2009, Vol. 19, Social dialogue about flexacurity and selfemployment
- 2010 Art 2010, Vol. 20, Social Dialogue about more and better jobs in the cultural sector
- Editor of 32 editions of the Christian Artists Directory of the Netherlands
- Editor of 14 editions of the International Christian Artists Directory